this is sticky post for MombloggersPlanet Cutest Baby Smilling Contest
Baby Name : Adha Ainnur Syafiah Suhaimy
D.O.B : 06.11.2007
Two years ago when the day she is born it's really a miracle moment, she was born at 7 months on the 6 Nov, but still come to the world and screaming ;) , she cannot wait to see and join her cousin maybe ;).
Day by day, we saw her grow up from as small as our hand palm, and today we can see her run, laugh, cry and play.
The moment I saw her smile when I come to meet her at the hospital for the first time it really touched my heart, she was very tiny and look so fragile. Now, hard to see her smile, but when she saw me with my camera, she will automatically pose and smile. When i had a hard day at work, i look at her smiley picture , all the stress gone with the wind ;).
Hope she will continue cheer up my day till the end of my life. We love you, Adha Ainnursafiyah so much….muahhhhss
Reason to Smile
How can one smile such sweet smiles,
When one is so saddened by sorrows for miles,
How can I smile the same smiles,
When life brings me nothing but tears,
I wondered for so long,
What reason you had to smile that long,
To keep smiling though troubles come,
And still remain sweet and silently overcome,
It's such a mystery to me,
Your smiles from heaven with glee,
I adore and yet envy thee,
But I'd rather you smile those at me,
I feel happy when I see you smile,
Even if I'm sad and lonely,
Your smiles bring me somewhere,
I don't even know where,
But it was you,
You gave me the reason to smile,
To smile with no reason,
To smile for a smile,
I guess life is just like that,
We need not a reason to smile,
For a smile is the reason itself,
To rejoice and open-heartedly give thanks,
I learned to smile because of you,
Because your smiles bring me joy when blue,
It proves how well and powerful,
A simple sweet smile can become so beautiful,
Smile for the sake of a smile,
Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,
Smile because of hope left in life,
Smile my friends,
Smile for me my Love,
Smile those same sweet smiles,
Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove...
~Lendl Ian Servillon~
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note : this is my first time joining the contest, when i saw the contest post at MomBloggersPlanet, my heart said that i really want to join the contest, reason i want to share my lovely syafiah smile with the world. The funny things is i'm not a blogger previously, i'm just a SR to MomBloggersPlanet, because of this contest, i create a blog to share with the world about my lovely syafiah smile ;)